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Creoles have a vastly rich mixture of history and heritage and this pageant was established as another way to share as well as preserve the Creole legacy of Louisiana.


Pageant participants will be afforded a rewarding opportunity to learn more about our captivating Creole culture. Our pageants’ purpose is more extensive than just winning a crown. It is also about developing life skills, building confidence and self-esteem, making friends and having lots of fun along the way.


The titleholders will represent and be responsible for continuing to share the history of Louisiana’s Creoles at festivals, pageants, and various cultural events.

We operate a fair pageant and aim to provide an enjoyable and winning experience for all of our contestants. The pageant is open to residents and non-residents of Louisiana between the ages of three (3) months to 12 years.

Our Story

Creole Belles


2019 Miss Cane River Creole Belle

Camila Metoyer




Summer Carter - Bye-Lo Baby


Eyden Gant   - Little Miss Creole Belle


Lailah Jones    - Miss Creole Baby Belle


Holli Holland    - Miss Petite Creole Belle


Left to Right: Summer Carter, Lailah Jones, ​Eyden Gant, Holli Holland,

Camila Metoyer



In order to successfully and effectively achieve our mission to continue sharing the Cane River Creoles’ history throughout the state and abroad, funding is needed and this pageant couldn't be as successful without donations from our wonderful sponsors. 


Please consider joining our sponsors by making a generous monetary tax-deductible donation to help continue our mission.  Your contribution will afford these young ladies the opportunity to participate in a beneficial competition, learn about Louisiana’s rich Creole heritage, and gain lifelong personal skills such as enhancing confidence, building character, and much more.


You can become a Major Contributor for $300.00, a Sponsor for $200.00 or a Supporter for $100.00.  Each donor will receive recognition at the venue as well as inclusion on all related advertisements and promotional materials.  Please make your check payable to NGFHF (National Grand Family Heritage Foundation) with a memo notation of “Pageant Account.”


Your support and contribution is greatly appreciated.  We look forward to your attendance at the Cane River Creole Heritage Pageant on June 22, 2019 at 1PM at the Natchitoches Event Center.


Donations can be securely made online

or mailed to: 

Cane River Heritage Pageant

PO Box 285

Natchitoches, LA 71458



2019 registration is closed.

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